GhazzyTV's Herald of Purity Guardian Ascendancy, Bandits & Pantheon Powers (PoE Settlers of Kalguur)




The most optimal way to play this build leaves very little choices when it comes to the Ascendancy nodes, which I will cover in this section of the guide.

My Preferred Set-Up

The ascendancy nodes are listed in order of importance (and tied to the way you need to travel to access them).

  1. Radiant Crusade
  2. Unwavering Crusade
  3. Bastion of Hope
  4. Radiant Faith or Time of Need – Preferential decision if you want more damage or a heal that happens every 4 seconds.

Radiant Crusade

Radiant Crusade Allows us to summon a Sentinel minion that deals a significant amount of area damage, is insanely resilient and on top of this he not only has 100% chance to taunt enemies on hit; he also provides 20% pure damage reduction as long as he is alive. It is crucial we keep this bad boy summoned as he will carry you through the entire campaign whilst bringing lots of defensive layers in the end-game.

Unwavering Crusade

Unwavering Crusade This ascendancy node allows us to summon a fire, lightning and a cold elemental relic by either our own hits or our minions hits vs enemies to provide very strong elemental damage auras for our army.

Bastion of Hope

Bastion of Hope Thanks to us casting Ball Lightning consistently and moving around with Shield Charge we can make use of all the extra block chance from this ascendancy node.

Radiant Faith

Radiant Faith This node provides extra layers of defense for both ourselves and our minions.


As with most summoner builds, you will kill all of the bandits, as they provide no significant gains worthy of losing the skill points for.


As with most builds these comes down to a matter of personal taste. I for one, love adding the upgraded Brine King Major God to avoid being frozen when upgraded, as I can then completely ignore that risk in maps when I have an army of minions at my command.

I tend to lean towards the Shakari Minor God pantheon to mitigate Chaos Damage, as it is a resistance very few builds bother to even think about.

HoP Main Page / TL;DR


  • Updated for PoE Affliction 3.23

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